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    support for a less waste lifestyle


    *website in development

    *local sustainable directory of local and national resources to reduce waste - coming soon





  • - ABOUT US -

    activists against waste: a community thinking globally, acting locally

    Together we can change.

    For people that are bothered by the growing amount of packaging waste that accumulates at home.


    @lesswastehitchin is helping households in Hitchin to minimise the amount of packaging consumed on a weekly basis and have a measurable impact on the waste of everyday lives.


    Building a local community by:

    • Raising awareness of the problem of waste to our health and to the planet;
    • Committing to making small steps with big impact with the end goal of zero waste to landfill;
    • Supporting each other on the journey to a less waste lifestyle;
    • Working together so individuals and businesses mutually benefit from the focus on less wasteful lives.
  • born in June 2018 - story so far...

    we're gathering momentum for impact

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    we've got lots of interest and ideas!

    JOIN US...

  • Monthly MeetUp Material

    Add a subtitle here.

  • LessWasteLocally

    October 2018 MeetUp

  • LessWasteXmas

    November 2018 Meet Up

  • LessWasteResolutions

    December 2018 Meet Up

  • LessWaste Gets WasteAware

    January 2019 Meet Up Notes

  • LessWasteBusiness

    February 2019 Meet Up Notes

  • LessWasteFood

    March 2019 MeetUp Food for Thought

  • Action-a-thon

    June 2019 Meet-Up Inspiration

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    otherwise known as 'The Waste Hierarchy' or '5Rs of Zero Waste'

    Principles of 'Less Waste'

  • 5Rs

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    Say no to anything that ends it's life in landfill.

    It's usefulness is temporary, it's existence may be permanent.

    Rethink: Do I really need this?

    Result: Using buying power to reduce production

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    Reduce general consumption.

    Use well made, long lasting products. Use multi-use. Use natural, homemade products.

    Rethink: How much do I really need?

    Result: Lowering the amount of waste produced

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    Stop falling for the convenience of the disposable, start making the effort with reusables.

    See the value in pre-used goods. Turn old into new. Fix what would have been thrown away.

    Rethink: Do I really need to throw this away?

    Result: Getting the most value out of materials

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    If it is man made and can't be refused, reduced or reused, make sure it is recycled.

    Make sure it is clean and in right collection.

    Rethink: Can this material be reused?

    Result: Using materials to make new products

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    ...THE REST

    Compost food scraps and return to the soil.

    The ultimate circular & sustainable system.

    Rethink: Can I put this back into nature's system?

    Result: Recovering organic nutrients from waste

  • Sustainable Local Directory


    how to be less wasteful in Hitchin and surrounding areas

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    what you do not need

    1. Fight junk mail. It’s not just a waste of resources, but also of time. 
    2. Turn down freebies from conferences, fairs, and parties. Every time you take one, you create a demand to make more. Do you really need another “free” pen?

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    what you do need

    3. Declutter your home, and donate to your local thrift shop. You’ll lighten your load and make precious resources available to those looking to buy secondhand.
    4. Reduce your shopping trips and keep a shopping list. The less you bring home, the less waste you’ll have to deal with.

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    by using reusables

    Jolly Brown

    Shining City of Wardrobe

    5. Swap disposables for reusables (start using handkerchiefs, refillable bottles, shopping totes, cloth napkins, rags, etc.). You might find that you don’t miss your paper towels, but rather enjoy the savings.
    6. Avoid grocery shopping waste: Bring reusable totes, cloth bags (for bulk aisles), and jars (for wet items like cheese and deli foods) to the store and farmers market.

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    what you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse

    7. Know your city’s recycling policies and locations—but think of recycling as a last resort. Have you refused, reduced, or reused first? Question the need and life-cycle of your purchases. Shopping is voting.
    8. Buy primarily in bulk or secondhand, but if you must buy new, choose glass, metal, or cardboard. Avoid plastic: Much of it gets shipped across the world for recycling and often ends up in the landfill (or worse yet, the ocean).

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    (compost) the rest

    9. Find a compost system that works for your home and get to know what it will digest (dryer lint, hair, and nails are all compostable).
    10. Turn your home kitchen trash can into one large compost receptacle. The bigger the compost receptacle, the more likely you’ll be to use it freely.

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